Logo Design, Branding, and Print Advertisements

TDL logo.png

Jahabow developed a line of secure display cases that could withstand some incredible intrusion situations. They needed to establish a brand for these cases so that businesses would immediately associate them with security. That is where I stepped in. The TDL name and classification system was developed by a team that included myself, an engineer, and the CEO of the company. I designed the TDL Shield, advertisements, and other marketing materials below.

LPM Magazine (June 2018) spread featuring Jahabow TDL advertisement that I designed. This was the first advertisement featuring TDL and it served to introduce people to the product.

Detail of TDL Advertisement

LPM Magazine (June 2019) spread featuring Jahabow TDL advertisement that I designed. I updated the design for our next series of advertisements to go bolder and to feature more of the product line.

Detail of business cards, advertisement and informational one-pagers I designed for Jahabow’s TDL Secure Display Cases.